State: Illinois
Address 1: 1562 Pyramid Park Rd.
City: Pinckneyville
Zip: 62274
Phone: 618-357-2574
Open: Open all year
Open all Year: Yes
Camp URL:
Full Hook: Yes
Pyramid State Recreation Area consists of heavily forested hills and many lakes and ponds. Southern Illinois University formerly owned and used 924 acres for research. In 1968, Pyramid became a State Recreation Area, and at this time received the 924 acres from Southern Illinois University. Additional land acquisition, and the latest acquisition of the Arch Mineral Properties, and the purchase of the Satellite area known as Campbell Pond consisting of 520 acres brings the total overall acreage to 19,701 making Pyramid the largest State Recreation Area in Illinois and gets its name from a coal mine that once existed here.
More than 500 acres of water form lakes varying in size from 0.1 acres to 276 acres. The largest lake on the property is known as “Super Lake” located on the Arch acquisition of the “Captain Unit”. Most of the lakes on the original Pyramid Site were created prior to 1950. Since many of the lakes can be reached only by foot, Pyramid affords an opportunity for the angler to get away from crowds.
Picnic areas are numerous but small due to the terrain. Picnic tables and charcoal grills are available, and there is one picnic shelter. Pit toilets are located throughout the area.
There are 16.5 miles of foot and horse trails and this includes Mountain bike riding. Future plans include increasing the mileage of the hiking, mountian bike and equestrian trail system to expand to the newly acquired Arch property.
Tent and trailer camping are permitted at designated camping areas only. There are three Class C camping areas, Class D hike-in campsites, a small equestrian camp and a youth group camping area. Water and a trailer dump station are available near the site office. There are no electrical hookups in the camping areas.
Fisherman will find that largemouth bass and bluegill are the predominant species. Lost Lake (a hike-in lake) and some of the other lakes contain a hybrid of green sunfish/bluegill. There also are redear and channel catfish in some of the lakes.
Canoeing is popular because of the rough terrain, and boats with 10-hp motors or less are allowed. Boat launches are available at some of the larger lakes.
Waterfowl hunting is not permitted on the old original section of Pyramid, however, Waterfowl Hunting is allowed at the newly acquired Arch Mineral Property consisting of the “Galum” unit, “Captain” unit and the “Denmark” unit. In addition, deer hunting and upland game hunting will be offered on this area. Check for site specific information. This area is a managed quality hunting area which means you may take a buck deer with a minimum of 4 points on one side. Upland Game is by drawing, and a free upland game application must be submitted by mail to our Springfield office.