Blue Springs State Park

State: Alabama

Address 1: 2595 Hwy. 10

City: Clio

Zip: 36017

Phone: 334-397-4875

Open all Year: Yes

Number of Sites: 50

Full Hook: 7

Camp URL:

Full Hook: Yes

About: Fed by a crystal-clear underground spring, the park’s spring pool is the center of attention in this 103-acre park in southeast Alabama. Facilities include modern and primitive campgrounds, picnic shelters, tables, grills, comfort stations, and playground.

Blue Springs is open 7 a.m. to sundown, year round.

Total of 50 modern campsites, seven of which have sewer hook-up. Fires allowed at each campsite. Each site has a picnic table and grill.
Eight (8) people are allowed per site, all over four (4) $2.00 per person per day. Tent on site (for children) with paying camper is $5.00 extra.
Families are not allowed to double-up on same site.