Fort Tuthill Recreation Area (Luke AFB)

State: Arizona

Short Name: Fort Tuthill Recreation Area

City: Flagstaff

Open: Open from May through Oct

Number of Sites: 34

Free: No

RV sites feature up to 40-foot pine shaded gravel pads, 20-30 amp electrical, and water hookups. A bathhouse and a sewer dump station are located nearby.

Campsites are located in the back of the facility, nestled in the pines and close to hiking trails. A complete breakdown of our rates is available here.

All sites are available for reservation through our telephone reservation system. It is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Please note that due to limited availability, we will assign spots based on size and need. We can not guarantee specific site assignments or electrical requirements. Sites include charcoal grill and table.