State: North Carolina
Address 1: 499 Reservoir Road
Address 2: Corps of Engineers
City: Wilkesboro
Zip: 28697
Phone: 336-921-2177
Open: Seasonal
Number of Sites: 55
Electric Water: 53
Tents Allowed: Yes
About: Warrior Creek is located on the south side of W. Kerr Scott Reservoir in western North Carolina. Constructed in the beautiful Yadkin River Valley, the lake offers extensive opportunities for outdoor recreational activities.
Wildlife is abundant in the valley. White-tailed deer, black bear, eastern cottontails and more can be found among the hills. Birds in the area include wild turkey, woodpeckers, Carolina chickadees, red-eyed vireo, ovenbirds, mallards and wood ducks.
-Picnic Area
-Pets Welcome
-Groups Welcome
-Waterfront Access
-30/50 Amp Service
-Big Rig Friendly
-Dump Station
Directions: From Winston-Salem, North Carolina, take Highway 421 north to Wilkesboro. Exit onto Highway 268 west and continue for approximately 8 miles. Turn right immediately after crossing the bridge and follow signs to the campground.