State: Vermont
Address 1: 48 Salmon Hole Ln.
City: Jamaica
Zip: 05343
Phone: 802-874-4600
Open: May 8th - Columbus Day Weekend
Number of Sites: 59
Camp URL:
Full Hook: Yes
Jamaica State Park is located on a bend of the West River about one-half mile from the center of the town of Jamaica. Nearby to the north is Ball Mountain. Hamilton Falls is located about one mile up Cobb Brook, which enters the West River upstream from the park. The West River has a very large drainage area extending from Weston and the south side of Terrible Mountain to Windham on the east and Bromley on the west.
There are 41 tent/trailer sites and 18 lean-to sites that are spread out through the campground. Two rest rooms, complete with hot showers ($), are located in the campground. A picnic shelter and nature center are located near the picnic area and swimming hole. A hiking trail follows the West River and branches off toward Hamilton Falls.