State: Wisconsin
Address 1: 924 Indian Point Rd.
City: Washington Island
Zip: 54246
Phone: (920) 847-2235
Open: Open from Memorial Day through Columbus Day
Number of Sites: 40
Camp URL:
Full Hook: Yes
Cars and even bikes are not allowed on the 912-acre island, making for an experience unlike any other Wisconsin state park. There are 10 miles of hiking trails, including a one-mile interpretive trail, a naturalist program, and 5,000 feet of beach.
Take the ferry (Memorial Day weekend through Columbus Day) to this primitive island off the tip of the Door County peninsula in Lake Michigan. Stone buildings, built by a wealthy inventor who owned the island between 1910 and 1945, house exhibits.
Rock Island has 40 campsites, all of which are reservable. Pit toilets, picnic tables, and fire rings are provided; there is drinking water near the dock and boathouse. Firewood is available for sale. There are no carts or equipment for hauling camper supplies and equipment.