Chokoloskee Island Resort & Marina

State: Florida

Short Name: Chokoloskee Island Resort

Address 1: Outdoor Resorts Hwy

Address 2: Outdoor Resorts

City: Chokoloskee

Zip: 34138

Phone: 239-695-3788

Open all Year: Yes

Free: No

About: Relax and enjoy a private tropical island resort surrounded by clear gulf waters. Our location in the Florida Everglades is both an island paradise and sport fishing haven. Amenities include a marina, bait and tackle shop, three swimming pools, sauna, whirlpools, tennis courts, recreation lodge and boat rentals. Beautiful beaches and championship golf courses are just a short distance away.

-283 sites with full hookups (available for ownership and rental)
-24-hour security
-Three swimming pools
-Saunas and whirlpool
-Lighted tennis courts and shuffleboard courts
-Health club with exercise room
-Recreation lodge with lounge and activity rooms
-Marina and motel
-Bait and tackle shop
-Boat rentals and fishing guide service

Directions: From jct US 41 and Hwy 29: Go 8 mi S on Hwy 29 (on Chokoloskee Island). Entrance on left. Master Card, Visa accepted.