State: North Carolina
Address 1: 2050 Blowing Rock Highway
City: Linville
Zip: 28646
Phone: 828-297-7261
Open: Open all year
Open all Year: Yes
Camp URL:
Full Hook: Yes
Camping is allowed with a permit at 13 backpack camping sites along the trail system including the Hi-Balsam Shelter. During the transition to state park management, the fee to camp will be temporarily waived. In the future, campsites will be available through the state parks system’s Central Reservations System. Until that time, follow the directions on the “Permits & Access” page for self-registration at the trailheads.
Campers must leave vehicles at either the Profile Trail or Blue Ridge Parkway trailheads; no vehicles can be left overnight in the Grandfather Mountain attraction.
Camping is permitted in designated areas only – identified by nearby signs and a camping icon on the trail map.
Grandfather Mountain State Park offers more than 12 miles of trails lacing 2,456 acres along the mountain’s ridgeline and its highest point at Calloway Peak. The trails offer magnificent scenery from rock outcrops and quiet forested coves near the mountain’s crest. Permits are required.
Most of these trails are challenging; steep, rocky terrain can make progress slow at times. Hikers must use the trails’ ladders and cables in some of the steeper sections.