State: Montana
Address 2: Bureau of Land Management
Phone: 406-538-1900
Open all Year: Yes
Number of Sites: 34
About: James Kipp, born in Montreal in 1788, was a fur trader, fort builder, steamboat captain, and a friend to many. In 1831, Kipp established Fort Piegan, the first trading post above Fort Union at the mouth of the Marias. He died at age 93.
This site is a take-out point for floating the Upper Missouri National Wild and Scenic River. It is also a popular paddlefish area and is used by numerous hunters and elk viewers at the C.M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge. The campground is located on the south bank of the Missouri River, downriver from the Fred Robinson bridge.
Fees: Yes
Closest Towns: Lewiston (MT)
Water: Yes
Restrictions: Water is available from mid-April until freezing weather occurs, usually mid-November. The BLM contact station/camp hosts are available from mid-April through the end of November.
Restrooms: Vault Toilet (8)
Directions: The area is located where U.S. Highway 191 crosses the Upper Missouri National Wild and Scenic River, about 40 miles north of Grass Range, Montana.