State: Northern California
Short Name: Ahjumawi Lava Springs SP
Address 1: South of Brushy Butte, north of Hwy 299.
Phone: 530-335-2777
Open: Seasonal
Number of Sites: 9
Camp URL:
Full Hook: Yes
Free: No
About: Ahjumawi is a place of exceptional, even primeval, beauty. Brilliant aqua bays and tree-studded islets only a few yards long dot the shoreline of Ja-She Creek, Crystal Springs, and Horr Pond. Over two-thirds of the area is covered by recent (three-to-five thousand years) lava flows including vast areas of jagged black basalt.
Visitors can launch into Big Lake at a PG&E public boat launch known as “Rat Farm”.
Directions: It is reached from McArthur by turning north off Highway 299 on to Main St., continuing past the Intermountain Fairgrounds, crossing over a canal and proceeding 3 miles north on a graded dirt road.