State: Washington
Short Name: Birch Bay State Park
Address 1: 5105 Helwig Road
City: Blaine
Zip: 98230
Phone: 888-226-7688
Open all Year: Yes
Number of Sites: 167
Full Hook: 20
Camp URL:
Full Hook: Yes
Dogs Allowed: Yes
Tents Allowed: Yes
Free: No
About: Birch Bay State Park is a 194-acre camping park with 8,255 feet of saltwater shoreline on Birch Bay and 14,923 feet of freshwater shoreline on Terrell Creek. The park is rich in archeological significance and offers panoramic views of the Cascade Mountains and Canadian Gulf Islands.
The Terrell Creek Marsh is one of the few remaining saltwater/freshwater estuaries in north Puget Sound. The park features nearly two miles of beach and great views of the Canadian Gulf Islands and the Cascade Mountains. A natural game sanctuary is at the park’s north end.