Mount Spokane State Park

State: Washington

Address 1: N. 26107 Mt. Spokane Park Dr.

City: Mead

Zip: 99021

Phone: 509-238-4258

Open: May - September

Number of Sites: 8

Camp URL:

Full Hook: Yes

Free: No

About: Mount Spokane State Park is a 13,919-acre camping park in the Selkirk Mountains. The view at the top of the 5,883-foot elevation includes surrounding states and Canada. The forested park features stands of old-growth timber and granite rock outcroppings. In winter, the park receives 300 inches of snow. On fine days, the summit of Mount Spokane offers spectacular views of Washington, Idaho and Montana. The park is rich in winter snow-sport opportunities.

Water: Yes

Restrictions: Maximum site length is 30 feet.

Restrooms: Flush Toilet