State: Washington
Address 1: Squilchuck Road.
City: Malaga
Zip: 98828
Phone: 509-664-6373
Open: May - September
Camp URL:
Full Hook: Yes
Free: No
About: Squilchuck State Park is a 288-acre camping park covered with forests of fir and ponderosa pine. The park sits at an elevation of 4,000 feet. This forested park sets at an elevation of 4,000 feet. The park is open on a limited basis for winter snow play, which includes sledding, inner tubing, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Two areas are designated for sledding: one for adults and older kids and an area for young children. The park has six miles of trails for cross-country skiers. For trail and snow conditions, call Wenatchee Confluence State Park at (509) 664-6373.
Water: Yes
Restrictions: Maximum site length is 30 feet.
Restrooms: Yes
From Hwy. 2 east or west:
Travel south on Wenatchee Ave. through Wenatchee, and follow signs up Squilchuck Rd. about eight miles to park.
From Hwy. 28:
Cross bridge over Columbia River, staying in left lane. At first stoplight, turn left, and follow signs to park.