State: North Carolina
Address 1: 6101 Cole Mill Road
City: Durham
Zip: 27705
Phone: 919-383-1686
Open all Year: Yes
Number of Sites: 10
Camp URL:
Full Hook: Yes
Minutes from Durham, Hillsborough, and Chapel Hill the Eno River State Park offers secluded wilderness trails with the serenity of a clear river drifting and cascading over a rocky stream bed. The Eno River is a swift, shallow stream flowing from northwest Orange County into Durham County for 33 miles where it joins the Flat River to become the Neuse and flows into Falls Lake. Its waters roll through wilderness, passing historic mill sites, river bluffs covered with flowering shrubs, and fords used by early settlers.
The park has backcountry camping available to families, individuals, and groups at the Fews Ford and Cole Mill Accesses. All sites require hiking in and supplies must be carried in. There is not a potable water source at the sites.
At Fews Ford Access follow a secondary trail off the Fanny’s Ford trail to reach the Fanny’s Ford Campground, one mile from the parking lot. There are five sites on a hill a short distance from the river. At Cole Mill Access follow the Bobbitt Hole Trail to the Piper Creek Campground about 1.2 miles from the parking lot. Five sites are near Piper Creek and a short walk to the river. Each site has a pad for tents, fire ring, lantern hook, and bench and a pit toilet serves each campground.
Canoeing is usually difficult due to shallow water but is great fun right after a rain which raises the water level creating class I, II, and III rapids.
The Eno is a great place for fly-fishing, casting lures, or baiting with the ever reliable worms and crickets. Most of the river can be waded and there are many openings for bank fishing. Commonly caught game fish include largemouth bass, bluegill, redbreast sunfish, and the feisty Roanoke bass.
Eno River has more than 24 miles of trail to take you into the heart of nature. All trails are blazed and signed. Request a park trail map for descriptions and distances.