State: Virginia
Address 1: Route 2, Box 115
City: Ewing
Zip: 24248
Phone: 276-445-3065
Open all Year: Yes
Camp URL:
Full Hook: Yes
Wilderness Road State Park was purchased in 1993. The park is about 310 acres that lie astride the Wilderness Road, a route carved by Daniel Boone in 1775. The route, which followed a buffalo trace, opened Americas first western frontier. Most notable in the park are the Karlan Mansion built in the 1877, a state-of-the-art visitor center and Martin’s Station, a replica of a colonial frontier fort that was on this site in 1775. Bikes can be rented to ride the Wilderness Road Trail, an eight-mile multi-purpose trail that passes through the park. The park also has the Indian Ridge Trail, which is a self-guided trail, and offers interpretive and environmental educational programs.
Primitive camping is available.
At the intersection of Routes 58 (Wilderness Road) and 923 (Martin’s Station Trail), five miles west of Ewing, Va., and 10 miles east of Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, Middlesboro, Ky.