Willow Creek State Recreational Area

State: Alaska

Address 1: 70.8 Parks Highway

City: Talkeetna

Phone: 907-269-8400

Open: May through September

Number of Sites: 140

Camp URL: http://dnr.alaska.gov/parks/aspunits/matsu/willowcksra.htm

Full Hook: Yes

The broad Susitna river Valley, including what is now the recreation area, was scoured by massive glaciers, which once covered it. When the ice retreated some 9,000 years ago, it left a rolling landscape of elongated glacial deposits, called drumlins, dotted with hundreds of lakes and ponds.

The recreation area an ideal habitat for many mammals and birds. Perhaps most noticeable to the summer visitor are water dwellers, especially beaver and waterfowl. These animals are vital to maintaining crucial water levels in the ecosystem; their dams and lodges must not be disturbed.

ADA Facility – Yes
3,583 Acres
140 Campsites
No RV size limit
Camping Limit
Daily Parking Fee

Wildlife Viewing