State: Mississippi
Address 1: 13541 Highway 16 West
City: Choctaw
Zip: 39350
Phone: 866-447-3275
Open all Year: Yes
Free: No
Casino (With Overnight Parking): Yes
About: Look no further than Pearl River Resort for the ultimate Mississippi casino, hotel and spa resort experience. Pearl River Resort offers everything you need for the perfect getaway!
Overnight Parking: Free (2011)
From Meridian:
Take Hwy 19 to Philadelphia. Turn left at light (Beacon Street), follow out until it intersects Hwy 15S. Turn left on Hwy 15S and right on Hwy 16W to Pearl River Resort (approx. 5 miles).
From Memphis International Airport:
Take I-55 South to Vaiden, MS. exit turn onto Highway 35 South to Carthage, MS. Turn left onto Highway 16 East to Pearl River Resort (approx. 25 miles).
From Birmingham International Airport:
Start south on Airline Drive by turning left. Turn right onto Transportation Avenue, then left onto Messer Airport Highway. Take the I-20 W / I-59 S ramp towards Tuscaloosa / downtown and merge onto I-59 S. Remain on I-59 S to Meridian. Take MS. Exit 150 in Meridian to Hwy 19N to Philadelphia. Follow Hwy 19N until it ends at Beacon Street. Turn left at light (Beacon Street), follow out until it intersects Hwy 15S. Turn left on Hwy 15S and right on Hwy 16W to Pearl River Resort (approx. 5 miles). Follow the signs to Pearl River Resort.